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All Membership Meeting Minutes September 20th, 2018

TCCFT 2196 All Membership Meeting, September 20th, 2018

Item 1:  Approval of Agenda: (Dave Howard):  Barbara Peterson motioned to approve the Agenda and it was seconded by Jim Riesdorf. The Agenda was approved.

Item 2: Approval of Previous Minutes (Dave Howard): Jackie Gorman motioned to approve the Previous Minutes and it was seconded by Kim Lee. The previous minutes were approved.

Item 3:  Effects of the Janus Decision (Dave Howard): Dave explained the recent adoption of the Janus Supreme Court Decision and the effects on our membership.

Item 4:  Janus Decision Q & A (Nancy Kennedy, WA.AFT): Nancy answered questions from the Membership and members completed the Membership Recommitment Forms.

Item 5:  Committee Reports:

a)            Grievance (Mike Mixdorf): Dave thanked Tomas Ramos and Elizabeth Fortenbery for their service on this committee and introduced Mike Mixdorf as the new Grievance Chair.

b)            Elections (Linda Ford): Dave introduced Linda. Linda announced she may resign from this committee in December and Dave opened the floor up for a new chair.

c)            Legislative (Katrina Taylor): Dave thanked Theophilus Mungen for his service on this committee and introduced Katrina as the new chair. He also opened the floor up for volunteers to attend the legislative meetings.

d)            By-Laws (Ken Fox): Dave introduced Ken. No Report.

f)             Adjunct Faculty (Vacant): Dave announced that Tami Hahn has relocated and asked for volunteers who may be interested in this committee.

g)            Corrections (Deanna Cole): Dave introduced Deanna. No Report.

h)         Executive (Dave Howard):  No Report.

For the good of the order:   

Next Meeting Date:  October 24th, 2018, at 2:30pm in Building 11, Senate Room

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