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EC Minutes March 6th, 2019

TCCFT 2196 Executive Meeting, March 6th, 2019

Members Attending: Dave Howard, John Sandin, Michael Mixdorf, Valerie Morgan-Krick, Katrina Taylor, Ken Fox, Ken Pimpleton, and Jim Reisdorf via phone.

Item 1:  Approval of Agenda (Dave Howard): Michael made a motion to approve the Agenda and it was seconded by Katrina. The Agenda was approved.

Item 2:  Approval of Previous Minutes (Dave Howard): Katrina made a motion to approve the Previous Minutes and it was seconded by Michael. The Previous Minutes were approved.

Item 3:  TCC Faculty Awards Update (Dave Howard): Dave reported on the TCC President’s email regarding postponing and revising the Faculty Awards. He states this is still a Faculty-driven process taken out of donated funds. And the TCCFT will be involved in the development of the Task Force and is seeking other Member’s participation.

Item 4:  TCCFT Regalia (Jennifer Snoek-Brown): Jennifer mention witnessing a solidarity event where several unions were represented. She proposed we purchase T-Shirts, hats, buttons, etc… to visually represent solidarity and bring together our Membership. Ken Pimpleton will contact AFTWA concerning funding and an approved vendor for these items. John Sandin will contact AFTWA to order AFTWA T-Shirts, etc...  

Item 5: Committee Reports:      

              Legislative (Katrina Taylor): Salary increases are being held up due to HB 1300 not passing, and the Governor’s budget has not been approved.  TCC is number 20 for funding on the Capital Budget list. The TCC President will be working with the Legislature to get TCC funded. SB 5113 to give a High School diploma to anyone who meets the requirement of an AA Degree passed the Senate 47-0. It is now in the House. There is concern among TCC Political Science Faculty that it will mean a Student can graduate with an AA without having taken high school civics or any coursed that will help them understand the political system and the government. This Committee will follow up with the AFTWA President.   The TCC Legislative Committee went on a trip to the National Legislative Summit in Washington DC and brought back a list of federal priorities for 2019. There is a proposal for an Excise Tax. The legislative session has ended.

              Elections (Valerie Morgan-Krick): Valerie followed up with AFTWA concerning electronic voting. They stated we would have to use “Leadernet” currently if we want to do electronic voting this spring.    AFTWA is transitioning to “Connect” that will be available next Fall. The EC proposed we use “paper balloting” for our Article 5 Section 2 Constitution voting this spring and revisit the other electronic systems. Valerie will send out a trial vote on a system called “Election Runner.”

              Membership (James Mendoza): The E-Council had a discussion with Jennifer Snoek-Brown concerning taking on this position. She may consider it post tenure.

                By-Laws (Ken Fox): Ken Fox submitted the revised Article 5 Section 2 of the TCCFT Constitution. This amendment will be posed to Membership in the spring meeting.   

                Grievance (Michael Mixdorf): We have one grievance that was transiting from Stage 3 to Stage 4. The Member has refused a settlement and agrees to mediation. Therefore, this grievance will be going to an outside Mediator from the Center for Conflict Resolution.  

                Corrections (Deanna Cole): No Report.

              Adjunct (Vacant): Jennifer Snoek-Brown mention reaching out to the TCC Adjunct Mentor for this committee. Dave will follow up on this with the possibility of engaging other Adjuncts.

              Executive (Dave Howard): The FEEPs project has come up for discussion again concerning a change in the law that allows Faculty to teach transfer courses. Valerie mentioned concerns for some Probationers currently in the tenure process.

For the good of the order:  Next Meeting Dates: Executive Council: Wednesday, April 10, 2019 at 2:30 pm in Bldg. 13, Rm. 151.

 All Membership Meeting: Wednesday, May 15th, 2019 at 2:30 Building 11, Senate Room

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