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EC Minutes Oct. 23rd, 2019

TCCFT 2196 Executive Meeting, October 23rd, 2019

Members Attending: Dave Howard, John Sandin, Michael Mixdorf, Deanna Cole, Jennifer Snoek-Brown, Valerie Morgan-Krick, and Ken Pimpleton

Item 1:  Approval of Agenda (Dave Howard): Michael made a motion to approve the Agenda and it was seconded by Deanna. The Agenda was approved.

Item 2:  Approval of Previous Minutes (Dave Howard): Michael made a motion to approve the Previous Minutes and it was seconded by Valerie. The Previous Minutes were approved.

Item 3: TCCFT 2019-2020 Proposed Budget (Jim Reisdorf): Jim will present the budget to the Membership at the next All Membership Meeting for approval.

Item 4:  TCCFT President & Secretary Nominations (Dave and Valerie): Valerie had one Member contact her concerning self-nominations, but no nominations were received at this time. Ken Pimpleton announced he will run for Secretary again. Dave will decide if he will run for President at the All Membership Meeting today.

Item 5:  College Council Nominations (Dave): Dave reported that College Council has been reorganize and we should elect another person for a 3-year term. Nominations will be opened at the next All Membership Meeting today. If no nominations, the TCCFT President will select someone from the Membership.

Item 6: Committee Reports:      

              Legislative (Katrina Taylor): No Report

              Elections (Valerie Morgan-Krick):  Valerie announced that Barb Peterson and Jeff Engle have been phenomenal on this committee. And that she will be on leave, so Barb and Jeff will conduct any elections during this time.

              Membership (Jennifer Snoek-Brown): Jenifer informed the E-Council that TCCFT is now being invited to HR’s Hiring Orientations for new faculty. She thanked the E-Council for submitting their photos for the TCCFT flyer. She will share the new TCCFT email address and welcome letter with the Membership today at the All Membership Meeting. Jennifer will spearhead the monitoring the new email address.  She further reports we have 12 new Faculty who have joined our union which makes the Membership total 135. She will also be presenting several TCCFT Logos for vote today and she has an estimate for the TCCFT apparel

                By-Laws (Ken Fox): No Report.

                Grievance (Michael Mixdorf):  Michael reports we still have one longstanding grievance that went to the TCC President and is now back with the Administrator for negotiations.

                Corrections (Deanna Cole): No Report.

              Adjunct (Vacant): TCCFT is still seeking Members for this Committee.

              Executive (Dave Howard): No Report.

For the good of the order:

 Next Meeting Dates: Executive Council: Wednesday, Nov. 13th, 2019 at 2:30 pm in Bldg. 13, Rm. 151.

 All Membership Meeting: Wednesday, Oct. 23rd, 2019 at 2:30 Building 11, Senate Room

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