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EC Minutes Oct. 24th, 2018

TCCFT 2196 Executive Meeting, Oct. 24th, 2018

Members Attending: Dave Howard, John Sandin, Michael Mixdorf, Anne Hafer, Valerie Morgan-Krick, Deanna Cole, Linda Ford, Katrina Taylor, and Ken Pimpleton.

Item 1:  Approval of Agenda (Dave Howard): Anne Hafer motioned to approve the Agenda with an amendment to add the “2019 Proposed Budget as Item 7.” The Agenda was seconded by John Sandin and approved with the amendment.

Item 2:  Approval of Previous Minutes (Dave Howard): John Sandin motioned to approve the previous minutes with the following changes: (1) Item 3 last sentence “Interim Dean” instead of “Associate Dean,” and (2) that the minutes be re-distributed to the E-Council electronically to include page two which was left off.

Item 3:  Open Discussion on Faculty Office Moves (All): A discussion was held on how to address issues concerning recent and future office moves. Dave recommends a conversation with the Interim Dean to determine options and he will facilitate a discussion with the Membership at the next meeting.

Item 4:  Elections for TCCFT Treasurer & Vice President (Dave Howard): Dave announced that he received only one nomination for Treasurer, and John Sandin nominated himself for Vice President. These nominations will be opened at the All Membership Meeting.

Item 5:  Elections for College Council Representatives (Dave Howard): Dave announced that he has no nominations for this position at this time. He will open up nominations at the All Membership Meeting.

Item 6: Committee Reports:

              Legislative (Katrina Taylor): Katrina presented that the TCC Legislative Committee is requesting review of the 2019-2021 Capital budget and the 2019-2021 Operating Budget from the State Board. This item will be discussed with the Membership.

Elections (Linda Ford/Valerie Morgan-Krick): Valerie Morgan-Krick will take over as Elections Chair when Linda retires.

              Membership (James Mendoza): No Report.

                By-Laws (Ken Fox):  No Report.

                Grievance (Michael Mixdorf): Mike reports we have one long-standing grievance that will be discussed with management. A second issue was addressed and has been cleared up.

                Corrections (Deanna Cole): Deanna reported two members in Corrections did not receive PAUS. The Union President resolved this issue.

              Adjunct (Vacant): Dave is recruiting members to be on this committee.

              Executive (Dave Howard): No Report.

Item 7: 2019 Proposed Budget (Anne Hafer): Anne presented the 2019 Proposed Budget to the Executive Council. The proposed budget will be presented to the Membership.

For the good of the order: 

Next Meeting Dates: Executive Council: Wednesday, Nov. 14th, 2018 at 2:30 pm in Bldg. 13, Rm. 151.

 All Membership Meeting: Wednesday Oct. 24th, 2018 at 2:30 Building 11, Senate Room

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