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All Membership Meeting Minutes May 15th, 2019

TCCFT 2196 All Membership Meeting, May 15th, 2019

Item 1:  Approval of Agenda (Dave Howard): Barbara Peterson made a motion to approve the Agenda and it was seconded by Michael Mixdorf. The Agenda was approved.

Item 2:  Approval of Previous Minutes (Dave Howard): Barbara Peterson made a motion to approve the Previous Minutes and it was seconded by Michael Mixdorf. The Previous Minutes was approved.

Item 3: Union Member Rights (Attorney Laura Ewan): Dave introduced Laura Ewan of Barnard Iglitin & Lavitt LLP the Law Firm that represents our Local. Laura presented information on Our Rights under the Law such as Weingarten Rights, Loudermill Rights, WA Public Employee Rights, and Union Rights. She also informed the Membership of their Rights under the Contract, and our responsibilities as Union Members. Laura’s Power Point Presentation will be sent out to the Membership.

Item 4:  AFTWA Convention Delegates (Dave & Jim): Jim announced the AFTWA Convention is this Saturday and Sunday. Dave announced that we have room for more Delegates and if anyone is interested to contact Jim or Ken P.

Item 5:  AFTWA Powerful Locals (Dave & Jennifer): Jennifer introduced this workshop which is August 8-10th and ask for Delegates.

Item 6: Committee Reports:      

              Legislative (Katrina Taylor): No Reported. Dave stated the Legislative session has ended and several issues are awaiting signature from the Governor. Item on concerned are PAU’s refunded and a 3% pay increase over the next two years Dave thanked Katrina for a spectacular job on this committee.

              Elections (Valerie Morgan-Krick): Valerie reported she has everyone’s personal emails that will be used for Union voting. She presented the amendment to Article V of the Constitution concerning the TCCFT Vice President Duties. A link to the ballot will be sent to the Memberships’ personal emails for voting. And an email will be sent to Members TCC Email address referring to the ballot.

              Membership (Jennifer Snoek-Brown): Dave thanked James Mendoza for his service as Chair of this Committee. Then he introduced Jennifer as the new Chair of this Committee. Jennifer thanked James for his tutolege and stated her first order of business is to affirm the Membership list. She also states she will work with AFTWA to purchase our own TCCFT T-Shirts in the near future.

                By-Laws (Ken Fox): On behalf of Ken F. TCCFT By-laws Chair;  Dave and Valerie presented the Article V Section 2 amendment. Dave mentioned TCCFT gives stipends to the Treasurer and the Secretary. He would like the membership to include the TCCFT Vice President into the stipend structure. Barbara Peterson made a motion to include the TCCFT Vice President in the stipend structure and it was seconded by Michael Mixdorf. The Membership vote unanimously to approve this proposal.

                Grievance (Michael Mixdorf): One grievance is in Mediation that is hoped to conclude by the end of this quarter.

                Corrections (Deanna Cole): No Report.

              Adjunct (Vacant): TCCFT is still seeking Members for this Committee.

              Executive (Dave Howard): Dave updated the Membership on the Provost/VP Hiring Committee search and the establishment of the Faculty Awards Committee to insure equity in the faculty awards process. He thanked John Sandin, Valerie Morgan-Krick, and Barbara Peterson for their work on the Post-Tenure Review Committee and provided an update of the College Councils review of the Classified Staff termination process. The Membership was advised to see the May 13th IC Minutes for more information on the TCC Presidents announcement on this matter.

For the good of the order:  Next Meeting Dates: Executive Council: Wednesday, June 5th, 2019 at 2:30     pm in Bldg. 13, Rm. 151.

 All Membership Meeting: Wednesday, October 23rd, 2019 at 2:30 Building 11, Senate Room

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