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All Membership Meeting Minutes Oct. 24th, 2018

TCCFT 2196 All Membership Meeting, October 24th, 2018

Item 1:  Approval of Agenda (Dave Howard): Anne made a motion to approve the Agenda with changing Item 3 to “2019 Proposed Budget;” and moving all other items down by one. It was seconded by Jim Reisdorf and the Agenda was approved.

Item 2:  Approval of Previous Minutes (Dave Howard): Mike Flodin made a motion to approve the previous minutes with changing “Riesdorf” to “Reisdorf.” The motion was seconded by Ella Guilford and the previous minutes were approved.

Item 3: 2019 Proposed Budget (Anne): Anne reviewed the 2019 Proposed Budget with the Membership. She highlighted that TCC Payroll Deductions will be reduced based on the estimated 101 Full Time Faculty and 5 Part Time Faculty dues reported as of 10/10/18. She also reports there will be no budget for the Hudson Fund due to the Janus Decision and no budget for the TCCFT Website due to cancellation. The 2019 Proposed Budget was approved by the Membership.

Item 4:  Open Discussion on Faculty Office Moves (All): Dave reported on the recent office moves and discussed future moves with the Membership.

Item 5:  Elections for TCCFT Treasurer & Vice President (Dave Howard): Dave announced that nominations were recently opened via email. He has received only one nomination for Vice President and that was the incumbent John Sandin. Anne Hafer nominated Jim Reisdorf for Treasurer and there were no other nominations. The Membership voted and John Sandin is Vice President by unanimous decision, and Jim Reisdorf is Treasurer by unanimous decision.

Item 6:  Elections for College Council Representatives (Dave Howard): Dave received one nomination for At-Large Representative and that is Monica Monk. The Membership elected Monica Monk by unanimous decision.

Item 7: Committee Reports:

              Legislative (Katrina Taylor): Dave mentioned the TCC Legislative Committee has requested approval of the 2019-2021 Capital Budget and the 2019-2021 Operating Budget.

Elections (Linda Ford/Valerie Morgan-Krick): Linda reports we are looking to develop an electronic voting system in the future. Ken Pimpleton will follow up with AFTWA regarding who will facilitate this process in the absence of Nancy Kennedy.

              Membership (James Mendoza): No Report. Dave mentioned the Membership should encourage FT and PT members to complete the Membership Recommit form.

                By-Laws (Ken Fox):  No Report.

                Grievance (Michael Mixdorf): No Report.

                Corrections (Deanna Cole): Deanna reported that Corrections Faculty were paid PAUS.

              Adjunct (Vacant): Dave is seeking members to work on this committee.

              Executive (Dave Howard): Dave reports that Interim Dean Char Gore is seeking Faculty representation on the CTC Link Committee and the Facilities Committee.

For the good of the order: 

Next Meeting Dates: Executive Council: Wednesday, Nov. 14th, 2018 at 2:30 pm in Bldg. 13, Rm. 151.

 All Membership Meeting: Wednesday February 6th, 2019 at 2:30 Building 11, Senate Room

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