6.22(b)(13) Academic Employee Types and Job Responsibilities > Full-time Academic Employee Responsibilities > Committee Work and College Engagement - Participation on two College recognized committees and one engagement. A current list of committees and engagements will be maintained on the HR Hub. Any changes or additions to the list require mutual agreement of the Union/Management Committee (UMC).
Definitions, excerpted from TCC College Policy CADM-141: Shared Governance
Shared Governance
A shared responsibility among the different components of the institution that incorporates all stakeholders with areas of responsibilities to include board of trustees, administrators, faculty, staff and students.
Representative Council
A representative council is a group that represents the varying views of major divisions of the College, and the various types of college employees. Representative Councils provide recommendations to the College Council.
A council is an advisory group that meets regularly to discuss and advise or make recommendations to the President on matters affecting the general welfare of the College. Council responsibilities are specific to the council charge.
College-Wide Committee
A committee is a recommending body to the appropriate Leadership Team member with specific responsibility to the committee charge.
A taskforce is a recommending body to the President, Leadership Team, a Leadership Team member, appropriate council or committee for a specific purpose. Taskforces are not permanent and should in most instances complete their work within one year.
Explanatory Notes:
• We define “committee” rather broadly in this table and include groups that fall under many of the categories defined above.
• We recognize that not all committees are created equal, and that the commitment of time and effort varies among them and by role. This is why participation in some committees counts as 1 of the 2 required committees while others count as more or less.
• “Engagement Activities” listed in the table below are examples. When in doubt, talk to your dean. • The TCCFT and TCC agree to count three (3) committees as fulfilling the Committee Work and College Engagement requirement for the year.
• Compensated activities are not eligible for credit under 2.22(b)(13).
This is not an exhaustive list and approval of unlisted groups or engagements is not guaranteed. When in doubt, please discuss with your Dean, in advance.
Affinity Groups Member 1 Check OEDI Hub
Behavioral Intervention Team
Bias Incident Response Team Budget Planning Committee
Civitas Action Committee
College Council
Commencement Planning Committee
Committee Chairs (unless otherwise specified)
Community Service related to college goals and priorities
Conference, workshop, seminars, or in service activities not required by the college
Department- and Division-level
workgroups Varies by Division. Please check with your Dean.
Diversity Film Festival Committee
EDIC - Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Council
EDIC Disability Action Committee EDIC Indigenous Initiatives Committee EDIC Justice Involved Action Committee EDIC Rainbow Action Committee
Emergency Preparedness & Safety Committee
Facilities Master Planning Committee Guided Pathways Guiding Team Guided Pathways Action Team
IC - Instructional Council Chair also receives 1/3 reassigned time IC - Instructional Council
IC - Instructional Council
IC - Instructional Council
IC Academic Technology Committee
IC Assessment Committee
IC Curriculum Committee Chair also receives 1/3 reassigned time IC Curriculum Committee
Committees and Engagement List 2024-2025, 11/1/2024 2
IC Curriculum Committee Member 1 1
IC Curriculum Committee
IC Faculty Professional Development Committee
IC Library & Learning Innovation Advisory Committee
IC Policy Committee
IC Sustainability Action Committee Legislative Council
Lushootseed Learning Group
Mentoring - student, staff, or faculty Parking Appeals Committee (ad hoc)
Peer Observations (related to the Continuous Growth process)
Perkins Steering Committee
Phi Theta Kappa (PTK)
Research related to discipline and/or college goals and priorities
Safety Committee
SBCTC Convenings
Screening (Search) Committee for Directors, Deans, and Vice Presidents
Screening (Search) Committee for full time employees
Screening (Search) Committee for full time employee
Screening (Search) Committee for part time employee
Strategic Enrollment Planning Committee Student Clubs (excluding PTK)
Student Conduct Committee
Taskforce (Academic Affairs or college wide)
TCC Fun Team
Tenure Review Committee
Remember: unless otherwise specified, committee chairs receive credit for two committees for chairing one.
Can’t find what you’re looking for? This list is not all-inclusive.
Check eligibility of unlisted committee and engagement opportunities with your Dean.
Committees and Engagement List 2024-2025, 11/1/2024 3