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Executive Council Meeting Minutes May 16th, 2018

TCCFT 2196 Executive Meeting, May 16th, 2018

Members Attending: Dave Howard, John Sandin, Linda Ford, Deanna Cole, Tami Hahn, and Ken Pimpleton

Item 1:  Approval of Agenda (Dave Howard): John motioned to approve the agenda and it was seconded by Linda. The agenda was approved.

Item 2:  Approval of Previous Minutes (Dave Howard): Linda motioned to approve the previous minutes and it was seconded by John. The previous minutes were approved.

Item 3:  Open Discussion on Changes at TCC (Dave Howard): Dave reported that the VP of Legal Affairs position has been eliminated. The VP of Administrative Services position will be returning and a hiring committee has been established. The Dean of Counseling & Advising position has not been renewed and is placed on hold. The Dean of Arts, Humanities, & Social Sciences position has not been renewed and is being is temporary filled by an Interim Dean. 

Item 4:  Collective Bargaining Law & Janus Case (Bob Downing, WA.AFT): Bob reports that the Janus Supreme Court decision may be coming sometime in June. Depending on the decision, a demonstration will be held at the Tacoma Courthouse on the day of the decision. In this decision, Agency Fee Payers will no longer by legal and people can chose to pay union dues or opt out and still be represented by the Union. Therefore, Membership/Recommitment forms are important because some States may be required to sign these each year to account for our membership. WAAFT wants to get a head start to provide evidence of membership if needed. Concerning the Collective Bargaining Law, Dave mentioned he has plans to meet with the new TCC President to discuss re-negotiation of PAUs, salaries, and adjunct issues.

Item 5: Committee Reports:

              Legislative (Theophilus Mungen): No Report.

Elections (Linda Ford): Linda will announce to the Membership that we will have a trial run of electronic voting in Fall 2018. And we will have a poll for members to decide whether they want electronic voting or not.  

              Membership (James Mendoza): No Report.

                By-Laws (Ken Fox):  No Report.

                Grievance (Elizabeth Fortenbery): No Report. Although Dave reports that Elizabeth will be stepping down as Grievance Chair due to temporarily filling the Dean of Arts, Humanities, & Social Sciences position an Associate Dean. 

                Corrections (Deanna Cole): Deanna reports a previous meeting was held with Administration and the Union that FEPPS will not be teaching the classes that Full-time Corrections faculty teach. So this has not been resolved so another meeting between Administration and the Union will be determined for further discussion.

              Adjunct (Tami Hahn): Tami reported that the Adjunct Faculty has a Newsletter to share tips for surviving the First Quarter, reporting procedures for absences/cancellation of classes, testing data,

Staffing needs and changes, and professional development. This Newsletter will be sent via campus wide email and a “TCC New Adjunct Guide” can be found on CANVAS at

              Executive (Dave Howard): No Report.

For the good of the order: 

Next Meeting Dates: Executive Council: Wednesday, June 6, 2018 at 2:30 pm in Building 13, Room 151. All Membership Meeting: Wednesday May 16, 2018 at 2:30 Building 11, Senate Room

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